Website hosting and design
The Riber website is edited and maintained by RIBER S.A., 31 Rue Casimir Perier, 95870 BEZONS
Phone : +33 (0)1 39 96 65 00
Email address : info@riber.com
Siret n° 343 006 151 00033
VAT number: FR 76343006151
Website integration and coding, webdesign: Double-Y
Editor responsibility
The chief editor in charge of the www.riber.com website is Franck Clément
Phone : +33 (0)1 39 96 65 00
Technical hosting
OVH SAS, RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
VAT number : FR 22 424 761 419
Address: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Use terms and conditions
Art. 1 : Definitions
In this document, following terms refers to:
– User: any people simply browsing through riber.com
– Registered user: any people registered on riber.com website. A registered user is also a user
Art. 2 : Purpose
These general terms of use are setting terms and conditions under which riber.com provides services to users and registered users
Any use of services and contents of the riber.com website will be performed while respecting these conditions
Art. 3 : General terms of uses consent
In order to use riber.com services, the user must have a valid Internet access available, which cost is borne by the user.
Riber makes his best effort to provide its riber.com services available seven days a week, 24/24h, all year long
Nevertheless, it is understood by the user that this Internet service may be unavailable due to network incidents, during server maintenance by the final website host or its partners, or maintenance operations regarding a part or the entireness of riber.com
Thus Riber can make one or several service or the complete website unavailable without prior notice nor compensation.
The user agrees that Riber or its provides cannot be held responsible for any material or immaterial damage, direct or indirect, induced by the use or the impossibility to use the service.
The user acknowledge he knows the risks associated with the use of Internet, its characteristics and its limits, especially the fact that Internet is an open network which cannot be controlled by Riber, and that data exchanges cannot be fully protected against potential misappropriation or hacking. If it comes to Riber’s knowledge that one of his databases would have been hacked, despite the data protection policy that Riber uses, the user will be advised on the website home page but no compensation can be requested.
The user also knows technical constraints, response times and possibility that the network offers, thus in no condition Riber can be held responsible for long access times to its website.
In addition, the user is responsible of all downloaded data, especially, but not limited to, different downloads that may contain viruses, trojans, spywares or any other malware
The user guarantees he knows good practices and good use of the internet, especially respecting the other people and users on the web.
Art. 4 : Personal data
Cookies : riber.com uses cookies with the only purpose to enable improved access to services.
This website uses a cookies management system only to know the site traffic
Click here to access Privacy Policy
Art. 5 : Registered user
A registered user has filled in a registration form with a login, password and email address, or has used Facebook, Twitter, Google or others quick connection services. A registered user has validated the entire current general terms of use.
Access to the account is strictly reserved to the registered physical person. Any use of the account will be presumed having been performed by the registered person.
Riber.com, in accordance with French national regulation, registered IP address of each registered user for at least 6 months.
Art. 6 : Intellectual property
Riber.com respects intellectual property.
The user acknowledge that any element for which the author is not mentioned as a moral or physical person name or alias is the unique Riber property. In consequence, any entire or partial reuse or reproduction of this element is forbidden without the express written consent of Riber.
The registered user freely grants, expressly and without reservation, the rights on the elements he uploads online on riber.com, without any limitation: reproduction, adaptation, on any known or unknown yet supports, worldwide and for the legal duration of author rights. These elements become property of Riber, once validated and available on the network. Nevertheless, the registered user remains the author of the element and his credit will be clearly mentioned close to the element
Anyone depositing an element on riber.com is deemed to be the owner of the element and to have all the necessary rights and permissions on this element (personality and image rights, rights to architectural elements, etc.). Thus, in the event of proven fraud or litigation, the responsibility would fall on the user and Riber could not be held liable in any way, alone or jointly.
Art. 7 : Regulation of the use of services
Riber.com offers free and paid services that it provides itself or through its partners.
Art. 8 : Compensation
The user undertakes to guarantee and indemnify Riber as well as its partners and managers against any damage, complaint or request from a third party resulting from the display, transmission, sending or downloading of content by the user. or any person who had access to the registered user’s account, to the use of the service or the rights of others or public order. This guarantee includes legal costs and various compensation for victims and beneficiaries.
Art. 9 : Applicable law, attribution of jurisdiction
These conditions of use are subject to French law. Any dispute relating to the execution or interpretation of these general conditions of sale is the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of the registered office of Riber, even in the event of multiple defendants.
If any of the stipulations of these conditions is held to be null and void, it will be deemed unwritten and will not invalidate the other stipulations.