
Aluminum source ABN BF CL & CN

Cold lip and cold neck cells


  • Dedicated to Al material evaporation
  • Enhance a cold lip effect & eliminates damages from Al creep
  • Avoid specific damages with cold neck crucible for nitrogen atmosphere
  • Uniformities better than ±1 %


Riber Aluminum cells are designed specifically for Group III evaporation materials but mainly Aluminum. For S40 and S63 cells, the Aluminum cells are single zone, double zone for larger cells (see ABN DF section).

A Cold Lip Cell (CL) contains a single heater located at the bottom of the crucible, which accentuates the thermal gradient between the bottom and the top of the crucible, the top being cooler than the charge. For larger cells, a double zone (DZ) heater is used (ABN DF series). The negative thermal gradient is generated by balancing the power between the bottom and the top.

For application under nitrogen atmosphere obtained from ammonia (NH3) or high deposition rate plasma, we recommend using the Cold Neck assembly to enhance the cold lip effect of the cell. Here, an extra insert is added into the crucible (CN crucible). This configuration brings significant advantages, such as protecting the cell from damages due to aluminum creep and overflow.

Hence the Aluminum charge capacity is increased by a factor of four compared to standard effusion sources.

Cold Neck technology – no overflow, no Al creeping after 12 days of use

The Cold Neck is mainly used for the growth of GaN with NH3 or when high rate deposition are required.


Technical information

Cell characteristics ABN 135 BF ABN 60/80 BF ABN 700 CN
Source capacity 35 cc 60/80 cc 700 cc
Mounting flange CF35 CF63 CF150
Temperature stability ±0,2°C
Crucible shape Conical
Crucible material PBN
Filament One – Bottom One – Bottom Two-Top & bottom
Filament type Tantalum filament
Thermocouple type C-type
Typical operating temperature 750 –1350°C
Maximum outgassing temperature 1400 °C 1400°C Bottom filament 1400 °C / Top filament 1300°C
Power required for maximum temperature*

(top + bottom filaments simutaneously)

350 W 750 W 3460 W
Power supply One power supply / One temperature controller One power supply / One temperature controller Two power supplies / Two temperature controllers
Cold Neck version available Yes Yes Yes

*For some versions and systems adaptations, integrated water cooling can be available

Component interfacing

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